Autumn Leaves in Central Park
It's been quite nice, warm, beautiful Indian summer days in last week November in NYC
One day I hopped on my bicycle and do some cruising and rambling in Central Park
I can't thank enough for what they have given us with their beauty, healing, refreshing energy.
I have never come to this park so many times than in 2020, but I found out that it's a blessing
to be able to observe the beauty of this park along with the seasons passing through.
To me, Autumn is my favorite season for this park.
You just walk through the trails, feel the air, see the scenery, colors of trees...
it's all about healing, grounding, transforming.
It brings us back to our source, so whenever you feel yourself out of alignment physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, just come back to this place to connect with nature, Mother Earth.
It's so refreshing, rejuvenating that keeps me alive.
go back to nature, the greatest healing is just around your neighborhood.
I feel grateful for that.
so I want to share some pics and music with you.
hope you get the healing vibes from them.
I use a Sony camera, alpha 6300
Nowadays People use iPhone's camera and it's really good quality,
but sometimes I want to use the camera in order to be an artist mode.

Lastly, let me introduce a piece of my performance with the song
'Autumn Leaves"
The perfect time of the season to play this song.
check this out.
If you like the music, please access the link and click on the GOOD button or subscribe to support.
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