Grounding is the essential in December 2020

Hi Guys

It's already winter and I can't believe this year will end soon!

For Shamanism, it's been said that the winter's qualities are Grounding, Insight, and Wisdom.

I can understand these qualities more easily than ever as I have been staying in my city for the entire year so that I could sense all the seasons' quality.

and also in the winter, I could feel that the energies of emotions and minds come up within self which is sometimes overwhelming and heavy, I think it has something to do with the winter climate that forces you to dive into your inner self-talk that arises from the subconscious and conscious minds.

For many people, the Covid-19 phenomenon would be a trigger for that, and the media is contributing to agitate our emotion which had been withheld in our subconsciousness.

So I normally don't watch those lower vibration oriented information but only choose to watch informative, positive oriented encouraging information, and stay calm and sound as so connect with nature even I live in the city I can access easily by going to the park or touching trees, breath fresh air to take prana within, and also I do self-healing with my sound tools and other tools.

So grounding is the fundamental key for us to stay in the higher vibration.

Another fact that I need to mention is that to overcome some addictive habits.

To me, smoking pot has been a struggle over my responsibility and freedom.

people say marijuana is not addictive but it depends on the person.

If you think about pot all the time with a sense of craving then it is an addiction.

More or less,  People have quality inherent within to be addictive.

Addiction has something to do with our sense of lack, deficiency, lack of self-dependability.

You want to fill the gap of lack by consuming those substances, such as Pot, Alcohol, Sweets, etc.

So these senses are the key to be aware of what your subconscious is telling you.

The true essence of these qualities such as a sense of lack, deficiency, lack of self-dependability is derived from Fear.

Fear of missing, losing, loneliness, death, and such.

Thus the addiction is telling you that you have an imbalance in your essence that needs to be balanced or even expand to a new you. for you to become more dependant, sufficient, content as you are.

In reality, it is very difficult to overcome this quality, there are so many seductions you can easily access.

but be alert if you are struggling with this kind of issue, it may be a calling for you to be aware that you need to transcend your consciousness to a higher level.


So I hope this idea is informative for you.

Thank you.

if you are interested in my sound healing session, click this one.

Now I want to introduce my Youtube clip I've created at the beginning of this year when the Coronavirus just popped up to our reality.

This is a sound healing video that is intended to cleanse and purify our negative emotions and minds such as anxiety and worries

if you want deeper cleansing please go to my Youtube page and read the instruction.

and Here's my guitar playing with my favorite tune.

I hope you like it.


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